Wednesday, January 18, 2006

My Beloved Courtney

I have decided to kick EYELINER....not b/c of Courtney Love...well sort of but...mainly b/c I can't find any that doesnt run down my face and make me look like Courtney Love after a night of pill popping and gin swilling. It is driving me mad...I spent 15.00 on a NON-RUN stick this week and it still that's it...I am done. This is my shallow post for the week.
I have a toothache I think...this is not cool...I've only had a toothache once before...for a month straight...
then out of desperation I let this hot guy do reiki on my face...not b/c I think that it is real, I don't, but he offered and he was hot and I liked the idea of him putting his hands ALMOST on me hahahahahhaaaa
Anyway...He did about 30 mins worth, and he smelled really good...(I love guys that smell good)...and I went home and my tooth was still hideous as a mofo...but I didn't care b/c I got to smell a cute guy....BUT the next day...lo and bullshitting you...toothache....GONE. Never came back (this was 5 yrs ago or something)... My dentist was pushing for a root canal and I said no way...decided to suffer...and then WHOA!
Kinda weird...cuz it wasn't a case of psychosomaticness bc I didn't think that reiki worked and had no expectations ...well aside from me hoping the reiki guy would grope me but....oh well.
I don't work until 230 about ruining ones chi.
I watched DEAD LIKE ME last night...I taped in Mon night and Ohhhhhhh Yessssssss thats my new Monday night ritual...I love that show. 
My kid drives me nuts...she will only wear ONE shirt...she has 3 Emily Strange t-shirts but the ONE favorite one is what she TRIES to wear EVERY GAWD FORSAKEN DAYYYYYYYYYYY...I think I am going to go in her room and hide it somewhere and force her to wear other shirts...she will probably try to kill me in my sleep for it but...I will risk it.

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