Monday, May 08, 2006

so yeah...

i saw V for Vendetta again tonight with Dave...still a good movie the 2nd time around. I did want to stab the 2 morons behind me though as they apparently were never taught to whisper by their moms. Tards

Manager Meeting tomorrow...I better bring some uppers.

I went to the mall today and was very bad...I bought myself the new sam roberts cd, the new pearl jam cd and the new tool cd...the tool cd has the COOOOOOOOOOOOLEST liner goodies EVER!! 3D lens attached to the case and u flip through the liner art/notes etc with the lens and the art work is FABULOUS in 3D!!!!!!
Then I got Ayla some new pants. I refuse to confess the price of them.

Im getting myself a new new computer desk...dont forget that im rich.

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