Tuesday, May 27, 2008

the clarity of thought

That's what i liked about prozac...I didn't think. Thinking has always been my downfall, no im not saying im too smart, im saying i over think things but never the right things or the right way.

Today has been a thinking sort of day.
Made some decisions.
Lets see where it all goes.

Aunty Pam's work is sending her and her co-workers on a zip lining adventure, during work hours...imagine getting paid for zip lining fun? Great score!
I wonder where my work would send us all to relax and have fun? Oh, thats right, work is already double the fun (ha ha ha).

I gave the cat some cat nip yesterday. It was truly hilarious. She sniffed it...and rolled around in it...and got all twitchy and wacky for a bit. It made her so tense all her claws were hardcore jacked into the area rug and she couldn't un-tense herself to get away from the carpet hahaha Then she would go back to the area even after i vacuumed and would sniffle around, roll in the spot...its like it rendered her back legs paralyzed, she would lay on the spot and drag herself around with her front paws. Great fun! Ok im simply amused.

I think im going to bed early tonight....

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