Friday, May 30, 2008

for the love of gawd...

...please, someone cut off my feet and toss the right one in the Fraser River and eat the left one.

I think its weird they're finding all those severed feet in the Fraser...creepy...with shoes on...
CLICK HERE for gruesome details.

Tomorrow is Ayla's big dance show...I think I might get dressed up for it since im going by myself and wont know a soul, I wont feel too stupid. ha!
Looking fwd to seeing Ayla's troupe...they've really improved over the last few years...Ayla has informed me she would like to take Jazz dance next year as well as Hip Hop. I am not going to discourage it...since she isn't into sports whatsoever its good for her to get in there and dance up a storm.

My fridge is dead...the freezer is warm and the fridge is not up where it should be...they are switching it tomorrow...BRING ON THE OLIVE GREEN

I closed tonight and open tomorrow...i shoulda just friggin slept there.

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