Thursday, January 01, 2009

ya ya ya happy poo year now fuck off

WOOOHOOOOO holidays overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

house is quiet...last night was mellow...i could not have been more apathetic.

today is leftovers day....and blow yer nose day b/c that's all i do lately (oh and eat all the pie apparently) sure its the leukemia causing this never-ending cold...

on tal bachmans blog there is a debate going on...well i dunno if id call it a debate...but a lot of over talking and drivel i dont comprehend about atheism and religion...i made guy go over and post and now its errupted into blogger drama....i like to think im usually logical, i admit my emotions do over ride on certain topics but with religion theres no emotion...its just common sense for i dont know why being atheist/agnostic (depends on ym mood or the day) makes me delusional...? or guy?

i get why religious ppl can be called delusional (hahaha):

de⋅lu⋅sion [di-loo-zhuhn]

1. an act or instance of deluding.
2. the state of being deluded.
3. a false belief or opinion: delusions of grandeur.
4. Psychiatry. a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact: a paranoid delusion.

not that being deluded is bad....if im deluded bc i dont think there is a higher power as believed by most religions in the sky, calling the shots then I will wear the delusional badge with pride and honor...but i guess im just not getting the point....

Ohhh and how do u like the worst blog colors of 2009?

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