Sunday, September 20, 2009

cruel cruel mistress

I am currently in the thick of a cold/flu episode, complete with the death cough, snot flying everywhere and all that other awesome shit I so enjoy about 2x a year...

But is that enough? Have I maxed out on my misery quota for this month...? Ohhhh goodness no....Ms Conklin is tough, she can endure immeasurable misery and it wont kill her so lets toss yer period into the mix as well today and really see what that girl is made of...

Ohhh yes.............I am queen of the fucking world right now...the only good thing about all of this is the coughing is distracting me from anything I feel from the waist down (this is awesome!)...

I tried to watch RUNNING WITH SCISSORS this morning...couldn't do it. I loved the book...but I hate the visual of the I am getting rid of the movie. I don't even want it in my house.
PRETTY IN PINK is on tv...that's what I need...Molly Ringwald to help guide me through this time of uteral maiming.

Last night my cocktail of no-name cold and flu tablets combined with a neo citron (its all about the timing, you gotta take the tablets and let them just start working, then guzzle the neo citron) left me a walking zombie...I swear my head was bobbing as I walked into my bedroom and i was asleep ALL NIGHT NO WAKING UP in about 45 seconds.

It was magical.

The only thing making my throat feel good right now is swallowing food and this bothers me...b/c I don't really have anything to eat hahahaha Maybe ill make popcorn so I can have those annoying little crusty things stuck in my throat all day. Sweet.

Don't think I will be making it to work tomorrow...voice is pretty much gone and talking for 4 hrs on the phone sucks ass while trying not to am done being a martyr for that cause now anyway b/c it certainly hasn't gotten me anywhere.

Next post.....Jennifer's Masturbatorium Inventory....stay tuned.

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