Friday, November 27, 2009


Nov 27 2009

Limbo is over. We were finally told yesterday that FOR SURE on Dec 3 we will be issued lay off letters giving up 20 working days notice. I was horrified we would get extended so thank gawd. it stands, I will have the month of Dec to get placed or come Jan 3rd or whatever day it is I will be unemployed. I am really ok with either option but am obviously still crossing fingers for a placement...mainly for obvious reasons. I wont get paid what I make now anywhere else....and truthfully looking for a new job is a disgusting prospect in this market and I am bound to take a massive pay cut that my ego and lifestyle is not really jiving with.

So....all of u cross your digits...I need u all WILLING ME PLACEMENT VIBES like crazy!

On my walk last night I went to visit my favorite lesbos Amanda & Erin in their new apt...and gawd dammit if I didn't let a "OMG that's so gay!" slip out of my mouth...hence the shame pen tattoo Erin made me wear home (to the right)...

Lots going on tonight...poetry reading...Body Shop shopping (MASSIVE SALE!)...ok just 2 things hahahahahaaaaaaaaa

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