Tuesday, November 10, 2009


November 10 2009

Half a day is gone already and fairly quickly. Love it. No word on the *suitability interview* as of yet...makes me nervous...mainly b/c everything around here is so poorly run.

I ate a burrito and cottage cheese/salsa for lunch and it was DIVINE! Ayla is still sick and went to school this AM but was home before noon feeling like crap.

In counselling, one of the most valuable things I learned was being mindful. I think some ppl are naturally good at this so it may not seem like a big deal but when you are of the personality type where you have become accustomed to just reacting and not really taking the time to examine what it is you are reacting to it is quite a feat! Being so intensely emotional makes mindfulness a challenge but also once you get a groove for it quite useful in examining your own behaviour and regulating responses to certain things.

I continually find myself intrigued by how I react to things...events, things people say, things people do...and how often the reaction isn’t about that particular thing at all but rather about other *stuff* that is unrelated yet somehow connected in my psyche. Blah Blah Blah

Oh I just had a rant of epic proportions...this place is so RETARDED! I got a snitty email reply from someone going on about how in order to get *system bugs* dealt with you must go through your team lead and then they do this and that and blahblahblah...only there’s no F-ing team lead in this effing unit and even when BUG REPORTS are filed out u m-f’ers don’t ever deal with them or get back to us about it so WTF IS THE POINT?!?!?!?! Pardon fucking me for trying to expedite a problem rather than waiting a week for a team lead to be around....eat my ass. Bunch of twats.

I hate everyone. Almost.

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