Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday Sucky Monday

I admit I do root for Canada in whatever sporting event may be going on even though I am not a sports fan in the slightest...Olympics or otherwise...for some reason I love it when Canada kicks the USA’s ass in events. Likely b/c they tend to think we are lame so it’s my way to give em the ol’ EFF YOU gesture without risking being shot.

Watching TRUE ROMANCE last night was totally funny to has been so long since i have seen it that it was like watching a new movie. Gary Oldman’s character is friggin FUNNY, I am sure that was lost on me when it 1st came out...him being a drug lord pimp but acting all gangsta and black when he is a skinny white boy was HILARIOUS. Brad Pitt’s stoner character is amusing as well...he nailed that portrayal without a doubt. And no one takes a fake Hollywood beating better than Patricia Arquette by Tony Soprano to boot...still love that movie. The scene with the cocaine in the car as the cops pull the guy over....omfg...pee!

I am experiencing an upset stomach today so I am being delicate with myself (haha that sounds so sexual and weird)...tea...ginger ale...oat bar goodness.

My kid was an epic a-hole last night...she’s planning a trip to Vancouver on the weekend and wanted $...I have none to give her and am not lending her $ from my savings acct b/c she is getting no shifts at work (if she is gunna treat me like a bank then I will act like one is my theory)...that conversation promptly ended with me getting told I was the shittiest mother alive...which was half assed amusing considering I spent the day cooking to ensure she had food all week and made her a special little baked pasta dish for dinner and just paid for her to get pictures reprinted b/c the fucking cat dumped water all over the ones she just had done...yeah shitty is the word alright. Asshole child. It is quite disturbing that I have spent the best portion of my life giving that fucking kid my time, energy, attention and love and now have the joy of watching her turn stupid as a bag of hair and be a complete and utter prick 99% of the time. Thankless job I tell ya.....thankless. And no matter how poorly she speaks to me or how much we argue and debate her shitty behaviour I would still slit the throat of anyone who tried to hurt her & defend her to the death. I am fairly certain she would not piss on me if I was on fire. I keep telling Graeme “this is NOT how she was raised I swear” but I am not sure he believes me.

Operation Valentine is complete...boy was gleeful and entertained by my embarrassing display of affection via giant pink heart cards and oh-so-artistic collage art decorations...the peanut butter cup treats helped too.

The rioting folk in Vancouver over the weekend: you know I am unsure as to how this helps the cause but I like it regardless of its stupidity b/c it is action of some sort – me this makes more sense than it does when a bunch of drunk temper tantrum-ing hockey or guns n roses fans start wrecking shit in downtown Vancouver...their only cause is testosterone and that is not a valid cause to me. I have always had a soft spot for extreme behaviour when “cause” is involved even if it is mental (example being the IRA). I guess terrorism could be included in that...I think its retarded as shit to kill yourself and others for any religion but u gotta admire the severe brainwashing tactics of the weak minded by the puppet masters...the pure determination...its mental and crazy as shit.

911 was fucked...but I couldn’t help but think about how the organizers of that shit show must have sat back while watching feeling pretty damn pleased with themselves...can u imagine...? Terrorist Survivor Night really...buncha terrorists sitting around a tv like we do when its Survivor night...they are watching ppl die, explosions, fear...cheering at their grand fucking messed is that...?

David Suzuki: okay I need to stir up some conversation please...I have always liked David Suzuki quite a bit but was recently talking with my friend Buffy – she always LOVED him as well but mentioned he completely sold out over global warming and he has no credibility with her anymore...I am unaware of this turn of events, something about him aligning with corporations...making them $ while global warming is a natural cycle the earth goes through naturally...anyone have insight on this debate before I look into it myself? It makes me sad to think Suzuki is a sell out...I can’t fathom it honestly...which is why it was so some reading with me thinking this is just a right wing - left wing thing.


Conky said...

when u are in the mood id love for you to elaborate...if u can pry your nut out of Suzuki's mouth that is.

exnihlo said...

Oh, I can talk just fine while that's going on actually.

In a nutshell, He supported the BC Liberals in the last election, because of the new gas tax. Anyone who has studied this, knows that the gas tax will play no part in reducing carbon emissions, and that the taxes collected go into general revenue. He destroyed his reputation on this one, and no one I know can figure out why. It has never made any sense to me at all.

Conky said...

He supported CAMPBELL?? Sweet JESUS wtf.

Anonymous said...

do I have this right, you condone violence in the protests?

what does that kind of action prove?
to me it just undermines any legitimate groups that are trying to protest. I am all for people rights to protest without violence. Those people were not exercising democratic rights they were just looking for a confrontation.

Conky said... but I understand it (not necessarily this situation though)...
i understand feeling so passionate about something that you'll go to such lengths - whether its productive or not...i don't think that these situations are always rooted in the true meaning of the cause though...its usually situational or takes on a life of its own...and really ruins any progress made sometimes...
i admit i get a charge out of it...i do...but condone
ask me in a different mood though...

exnihlo said...

Hey Kelly,

In general, I agree with you. These guys were looking for a rumble with the cops. No doubt about it. I don't condone their actions, and I think they should be charged. But I also don't think their actions really reflect anything on the rest of the protesters. A lot of people consider the Olympics a scared cow, and think any criticism of the games constitutes a terrorist act. That's wrong too. I think if it was possible to have a civil public discussion about matters such as these in BC, there wouldn't be the kind of frustration that leads to violence. But, the media and elements on both sides of the political spectrum don't want citizens talking, they want them to listen to them talking.

Maureen said...

Suzuki isn't the same guy....aliens perhaps? I'm one of those peaceful protester types, I think violent acts lose the message....unless of course I feel violent that day ;) I still have no voice, you'll all be tired of my typing soon!

Conky said...

Maureen - aliens yes....and that sucks you are still voiceless! it always trips me out having no voice...u dont realize how as a funny person that without that ability u are kinda anyhow lol

Guy/Kelly - on the local rock station the other day a DJ was babbling about whatever and wanted to tell an olympics story but said he had to wait til after the break bc he had to refer to the email about what they were allowed to talk about and what they were not...I knew that they were being totally nazi about this shit but I was really disgusted that it is really THAT big of a deal that to disparage the mighty games can get u in mondo shit @ work...