Wednesday, February 10, 2010

sporadical annoyances

im pretty sure i made up the world SPORADICAL.

last night i had a hissy in my head b/c apparently Matt Good snuck some demos from his next album on the site and they were gone when i looked so.......i HAD TO HAVE THEM so it took me a bit but i got em (I love the MG Message Board of hardcore MG fans, they always come through!) and oh my shit....
if anyone wants em lemme know!

so once that disaster was averted i carried on making my soup...beef barley baby....fuck it was good too...ayla came back for 3rds! THIS IS UNHEARD OF. i will be making more of that soon i think.
today its someone at works birthday so its lunch at pagliaccis (sp) and im looking fwd to the decadence of that....i hear everything is good...and the bread is to die 4....fuck just what i need a ressurection of my bread fetish.

my work is sporadic and i dont like guaranteed busy on thursdays and fridays...but im finding the rest of the time im sitting around...trying to APPEAR busy...apparently i have not mastered being a gov't worker who paces herself...i get work, i do it fast b/c you NEVER KNOW when disaster will strike and you will run outta time so i like to do shit lickity split..apparently this is my problem....i need to SPREAD IT ALL OUT....ugh. i was hoping this job would be busier...i was told it was really busy when i started but apparently that is subjective.

guy told me the kids in the hall show on currently is FUNNY AND CRAZY....anyone else been watching?? i thought it was a one time thing, like a special and didnt know it was ongoing so im kinda sad i missed it from the start...makes me not wanna start! ::pout::

i need to sit down and get some writing on the go for gonzo...lotsa ideas in my head, gotta get em down b4 they evaporate.

i bought a juice today that tastes like medicine...FUZE REFRESH - banana colada - i admit it tasted far better when it was that it is warming up i shiver after every drink like its only finishing it b/c i paid for it and its got a crap load of calcium and vitamins added in...barf.

operation: valentine card is complete....he has it in his possession and is waiting as instructed until sunday...ha ha ha i dont think he has any idea that that is something i could NEVER do...i open all my xmas presents b4 xmas...and birthday stuff...and if someone sent me something and said DO NOT OPEN TIL FEB 14th id laugh and open it anyhow. yes im a bad person.

speaking of being a bad person...i see more ppl wearing olympic garb and just want to toss paint on them like the PETA ppl did to ladies wearing fur coasts...ok maybe not about urine or monkey feces?
tracey says that makes me a bad not opposed to that argument at all...i accept it...luckily i just dont mind being a bad person. we debated the olympics, her and ardene think the olympics are good and fun and inspire ppl...u know this conversation was destined for failure...i cannot get past whats been done in the name of the olympics to even toss around the idea they are not evil...i admit until they were in my backyard i hadnt given the olympics a thought one way or the other....couldnt have given less of a shit my whole life honestly...but when u read about displaced ppl being shuffled from downtown to maple ridge and abbotsford (and other various places) to keep them outta sight outta mind THAT PISSES ME OFF. nothing is being done to work twds helping junkies, homeless, mentally ill street ppl but lets further subject them to our indifference by treating them like unsightly garbage and keep them outta sight while the world is anyone cannot be massively offended by this is BEYOND me.

anyhoo....fuck the olympics and all that they stand for and all that the govt wants u to think they stand for....
especially u premier campbell...aka greedy self serving assfuck.

ok that was exhausting....


Barbara Bruederlin said...

Holy crap, where to start?

Olympics - I agree I never gave it too much thought before now, but knowing people in the afflicted area, well it's just unforgivable what's being done in the names of these games.

But where are you gonna get the monkey feces?

Conky said...

I dunno why ppl arent commenting more...sure radership has slipped but the hell i went through for the comment feature should make me get more fucking comments...all u sissys who wont comment bc u have to sign in (YOU KNOW WHO U ARE GUY MONTY) quite whinging....u sign into all sorts of porn sites daily so....
Kori who lives in Vancouver said she waited 45 mins for a bus yesterday, a bus that comes typically every 10 mins....she then walked 45 mins home and didnt see one drive by her...she is LOVING the olympics in her town.

Monkey shit...well...its everywhere..i work for the govt and the govt is run by drunk retarded monkeys know...