Thursday, October 03, 2013

Birthday Fatigue

You'd think I actually did something other than sit at a movie on my birthday with how tired I am...a  few days later I am still dead tired. Perhaps all the excitement with my new phone is too much for this 100 yr old prune of a woman...

Random Phone Observations:

1) it is a lot faster than my old phone
2) it is hard to hold on to without a case
3) it was 1000x easier to set up email on it than my previous phone that took days looking up the right server BS
4) SNAPCHAT is funny
5) the Candy Crush game is just wants me to buy more"life"...I refuse - plus I am stuck on level 8....pretty pathetic skill
6) my favorite MG concert photo I took makes the most excellent wallpaper
7) the WiFi actually works!
8) the camera is fairly decent
9) this is a boring fucking bunch of drivel no one cares about not even me

The End.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

I don't even know what Candy Crush is, to be honest. But I am still rocking your old phone and it says to tell you howdy.

Conky said...

CC is evil. Glad it is working well for you! :)